Saturday, December 15, 2007

Just Twice Andy, Really?

Get used to this...a nice tactic if you believe everyone on earth is a retarded infant. Andy Pettite claiming that..."oh yeah I used steroids for two days 5 years ago"...and my favorite "if what I did was an error in judgement I apologize". Sounds like a great line from the TV show Friday Night Lights ("I am sorry you are upset with me"). Andy Pettite is a fucking idiot for thinking this would work. Sure guy, thats the only time you used HGH. Golly Gee! thanks for being so honest. Doesn't he realize that the damage is done. Whether these guys tell us that they thought they were injecting flax seed oil into their asses or that they tell us that they weren't sure if HGH was a "no no", and that they apologize for their indiscretions...
You get the sense that these guys aren't the brightest human beings in the world and the truth is that they are not. Thats why you see so many comical statements made by athletes every day. You don't feel sorry for them because they are rich and famous and not smart...and I will steal a line from Beautiful Girls ("Moe is like a retarded person who doesn't know any better. He doesn't desire new experiences, new women, nothing. He's like a mental patient who doesn't know he's mental, so he's perfectly content.") Andy Pettite is like a retarded person who doesn't know any better...thats why he will get away with what he said. Get used to these excuses...on a slightly different not...what about Brady Anderson...where is he in this mess?

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