Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween...Eat Lots of Candy and Puke

Just thinking back to old Halloween memories today. Old costumes. I was John Elway, a Jawa, a Clown (brutal), a ghost, my brother and sister were both pumkins. In college I was a satanic nun and a beer man (gave out Schlitz the entire night). In the 8th grade we went around annoying adults by ringing doorbells and screaming "Trick or Treat". I ate too much chocolate and pizza then went home and had my first dip (Kodiak) with my step brother. This was not a good move. I vomitted...projectile so violent I missed the toilet and hit the back wall. I then passed out on the family room floor.
Another year we were accused of throwing eggs at some scary Bosse dudes. A couple brothers (actual siblings) one was named Shelby...cant remember the others. I just remember fearing for my life...especially after I told them to "Shut it!" and scrambled for my car keys to get into my car. It was fun cause we didnt get beaten to a pulp.
Anyway...Happy Halloween!!!!

Ryan Adams [mp3] Halloween Head

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