Thursday, October 11, 2007

Okkervil River--Love To A Monster

So someone had a great idea. They would meet up with great artists on the street and have them play an impromtu song or two for the camera. It's called The Take Away Shows
Jens Lekman, St. Vincent, Final Fantasy, Elvis Perkins, and Okkervil River all play songs. Love To A Monster is one of the songs Will Sheff (Okkervil River) plays and here it is...

visit here to see more

1 comment:

m_miggs34 said...

I absolutely LOVE this song. LOVE. The first time you mentioned it, i believe was on the old website (may you Rest In Peace sweet, sweet Redpants). I must have listened to it 10 times in a row. It must be hard dating Wil Sheff (sp?) and knowing you could have a break-up song written like this about you some day. Good good stuff.