Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Worst Press Conference Until The Next One

Not like I need another reason to think that ARod is a joke, but I got one. His press conference today, which I can only compare to a D+ presentation from a sophomore public speaking class, was without a point. If Alex Rodriguez stayed in bed today watching Sex in the City reruns I would feel the same about him as I do now. He gave 'zero' truthful statements in his address. He looked confused when he mentioned the substance he took..."after reflecting I remember that my cousin and I took bolay (sp????), an energy booster. Bullshit! I call bullshit! So he took an energy booster shot once every two weeks for 6 months in a matter of 3 years. Inaccurate. He should have started out his "read directly off the page" speech with "what I am about to tell you is a complete lie... you know this and I know this... lets just enjoy". I expect that on his page in ( ) were things like (give eye contact now) or (look over at my teammates) or (pause for 20 seconds and make to make it look like I am getting dusty).
First he didn't remember now he says its an energy shot...ha! Might have well said flax seed oil.
I don't give a shit about his legacy. I don't have a problem with him making the Hall of Fame (think Moyer was onto something, just went a little bit overboard). All I want is for him to say "I took anabolic steroids because I wanted to get bigger and hit shit loads of bombs"...
This, unfortunately is just the beginning...104 names on the list. That is going to be a lot of bad press conferences.
Here is who I suspect is on the list-
Albert Pujols
Andruw Jones
Any pitcher that consistantly throws over 100 (Francisco Rodney and all those in the bullpen for the Tigers)
There will also be Dominicans you have never heard of

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