Thursday, February 26, 2009

More New Muisc (At Least It Is New To Me)

With Terminator X

I just received Bon Iver-For Emma, Forever Ago yesterday in the mail. There has been more hype from this guy on "blogs" (The Sun Sets On Indiana is not a blog but rather a MACHINE)and my thoughts used to be that the hype was the not so selfless efforts of many to help a guy "make it". Didn't give the music much of a chance...listened to it a couple time...thought it was ok. Its nice music...nothing earth shattering or original (hard to be original these days...original often = rediculous). Giving it a few listens today and its just alright.... One song sticks out to me as being pretty good and it is called Skinny Love.

additional note:
Don't pronounce his name like it sounds in "American", but more like if you were an overachieving Sophomore taking his second year of French I.

Bon Iver [mp3] Skinny Love

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