Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sell Your Soul and Sign and Autograph...

I was reading Pitchfork this evening and noticed that Scott Weiland is planning on releasing another solo album in November. This is great news. I can go on and on about how I believe that Stone Temple Pilots are a very underrated piece of 90's rock music. How they get overlooked and how they are forgotten. I think I am the only person that finds Weiland's solo album very close to great. I loved it in 1998 and you know what, I still love it today. Sure the production is kind of muddled and sounds a little too electronic, but its Scott Weiland and there is something very special about an album written by heroin. For old times sake lets have a listen to a track off 12 Bar Blues. A very bad video, but a very great song.

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