Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Rural Alberta Advantage

Another great band from Canada.
Spent this evening listening to the album called Hometowns twice.
The first time was because I hadn't heard it before, I had purchased it, and thought it would be a waste to buy it and not listen to it
the second time was to try to recreate the experience I had listening to it the first time. Also because I am bored like a 10 year old spending the summer at home without a single summer camp in sight...
Its good. And you would think so too if you would take a minute out of your extremely busy and important lives to have a listen

Here is a short one. Its over before you've got a chance to lose interest...but you won't because its sweet

The Rural Alberta Advantage [mp3] Four Night Rider

If the above song won't play, and it won't play for me and I want to fistfight something right now, then just click on the myspace page and listen to songs there

The Rural Alberta Advantage Myspace Page RAA
Buy the LP or CD at and you get the digital download immediately.

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