Friday, June 12, 2009

Buy Sunset Rubdowns Album Now and They will Send It To You Immediately

The new Sunset Rubdown album, Dragonslayer, is amazing and great and I am almost tired of it because it is all that I have been listening to. Here is a song from it to listen to. You can go to and pre-order the record or cd and they will send you a digital code so you can hear it right away. Everyone should do this. This means you can buy records and still get the song on your Ipod without buying one of those gadgets that converts your LP's to digital form. That is probably something simple, but I don't want to do it.

Sunset Rubdown [mp3] Silver Moons

There is not a better group of people putting out music right now than these Wolf Parade/Sunset Rubdown/Swan Lake folks from Canada. If you disagree then your opinion is wrong.

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