Tuesday, January 8, 2008

If I Was A Professional Athlete Named in the Mitchell Report

I took steroids. I wasn't injected with flax seed oil or B vitamins...I took the good stuff, Stanozolol, Nandrolone Deconate, HGH. I took them because I wanted to make money. That is the number 1 reason. You see, when you get to this stage in your athletic career winning Championships is nice and all, but the most important thing is making money for my family. Winning Championships is for high school and college. Once you get out here the loyalty is gone...the selflessness disappears into the floating dollar. If the guys who say they just want to win really meant it, you would see more guys taking pay cuts to play on a winner. Speaking for myself...I want my money. I know what you all must be saying. Two million a year is plenty. You don't need any more. When there is money out there to be made, you always need more. Any athlete who tells you that he bent the rules because he wanted to win is as full of shit as the ones who say they have never touched the stuff. How can all of you, sitting out there in your easy chairs, on your fucking high horse say that you would never cheat to get ahead. I am sure all of you have done it in one way or another. Maybe you have convinced yourself that your actions are justified...you know, so you can sleep at night. Don't judge me. I am standing up here and admitting what I have done.
Money has turned this great game into something that was never intended. A business. Its a game and I miss the times when thats all that I thought it was. As athletes we have nothing to apologize for. You pay the money to see the games. You want to see bombs and fireworks and 103 mph fastballs. So what now, you want me to be sorry for it. I am not sorry.

The Decemberists [mp3] The Sporting Life

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