Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Good Evening, Can I Please Take Your Coat And Hat

Seems like a lot of nothing has been going on lately.  First the Lebron nonsense.  Can't say I care too much except for the fact that I am pretty sure that my NBA Friday Nights will now involve pizza, IPAs, the Miami Heat and whomever they are playing.  The hour long "prime time special" reminded me of some sort of 1983 Donahue Special.  The fact that Lebron thought everyone cared enough to stop their evenings to watch was pretty much correct as much as I hate to say that.
Dan Gilbert's comments were hilarious and will prevent his team from getting the average players they were probably not going to get anyway...so basically they went from a 25 win team to a 20 win team.  No bigs.
There is only one thing in this whole ordeal that I find a shame.  LeBron had a chance to be "great"...really great, by winning a championship in a place that shouldn't ever win one.  If anyone in basketball history could do it, it was probably him.  Basically, he has done exactly what Arod has done.  Gone somewhere that will be full of championships where he is just a cog, instead of the man.  My thought is basically this.  His legacy would have been more impressive if he took his chances in Cleveland and failed than if he wins 6 championships in Miami.  Its too bad, but then again the days of Dr. J and Larry and Magic and MJ and Ewing and Olajuwon are long gone.  I have recently found myself becoming a bitter, bitter old man about everything.  It feels amazing.
Jesse Jackson, thanks so much for your predictable and boring diatribe.  I disagree, but then again I am white, middle classed, naive and overcome with undeserving guilt.

The pre-All Star game festivities tonight were some of the worst things I have ever seen at a sporting event.  The All Star game should not be like the Super Bowl or the NBA All Star Weekend.  It should be void of all the things that make these events seem like scenes from Johnny Be Good or some sort of SNL parody (but then again everything seems like it is one big joke these days...ie watching MIA on Letterman right now and I feel like I might be in the wrong place, if this is indeed Earth).
I feel like the devil for saying this, but when I sit down to watch a baseball game (and I really look forward to this one) I do not want a 20 minute presentation about people who have done great things...great humanitarian things in the past year.  I don't want to see people crying and I sure as hell don't want to see some chick from some  Fox show sing Christina Aguilara's Beautiful.  Jesus!  Somebody help me.  Tell me I am not insane for thinking that all of this was a huge disaster.  Fox, you really fuck up everything you touch that is non-animated.

 Not good

a)Wolf Parades new album Expo 86 is really great.
b)Take a listen to Christ Jesus by Deer Tick and tell me that isn't a great song. (sorry, no video just song and I think the better version is on Black Dirt Sessions)

c)Best line from The Nationals new album "I'm a confident liar.  I've got my head in the oven so you'll know where I'll be"

There are at least 3 times a day that make me want to stay in my house all day and cut the electricity.
i) If I happen across an Entertainment channel that shows something about housewives, or Kardashians, or a clip from someone who has cursed someone out completely rationally (if it was done in private), but since everyone has a recording device on them at all times it ends up on the internet and being looked at as  "unacceptable".  I think you should be able to call anyone you want a whore, cunt, bitch in the confines of your very own home.  I love America.
ii) When I tweet about how much I hate watching people texting or tweeting during a great game.  I hate myself.
iii) Hearing anyone talk about politics.

Enjoy the rest of your summer
Don't complain about the weather

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